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Adrenaline Club Membership (12 Month Contract)

Adrenaline Club Membership (12-MONTH CONTRACT)

Ongoing monthly payments, minimum term of 12 months. Payments continue after minimum term or until cancelled.

Freeze options available for members for up to 12 weeks per calendar year at no cost! Minimum 7 days freeze, Maximum 12 week freeze. Please submit your Freeze requests at least 3 days in advance to

Please enter the membership owner's name, birthday, and email address in order to proceed.

If you have an account with Adrenaline Vault, you can skip this step by logging in.

Please enter the details for the person purchasing the membership, referred to as the membership owner. This is the person that will be responsible for agreeing to the terms and conditions, billing, and managing the membership. If the member is someone other than the membership owner (for example, a parent purchasing for a child) you will enter the member's details on the next page.