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Happy Fingers

Happy Fingers

Understanding finger injuries, how to keep you fingers healthy, prevent injury, and increase finger strength.

What will be covered in the workshop?

-Finger and hand anatomy and how this relates to climbing
-Common finger injuries, what causes them and how to prevent them
-Effective strategies to warm up and take care of your fingers
-How and when to tape or use a splint
-Rehabbing finger injuries and return to climbing
-Managing long term issues like arthritis

About Isi:

Isi works locally as a sports physiotherapist specialising in climbing injuries. She will be running the workshop to help you learn how to look after your fingers and prevent injury. There will also be chance for Q and A afterwards

Please let us know when you book if there is anything specific you would like her to address.

Number of Participants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20