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Cymraeg yn Eryri

Ydych chi wedi meddl sut y cafodd cwm idwal ei
enw? Wel bydd y sgwrs hon yn ateb hynny a mwy!
Dewch gyda ni ar daith trwy Eryri yn archwilio
enwau lleoedd a ei hystyr.

Have you wondered how Cwm Idwal got its name?
Well this talk will answer that and more! Come with us on a journey through Eryri exploring place names and their meaning.

Bydd sesiwn ymarfer ynganu yn ystod y sgwrs
There will also be a pronunciation practice session during the talk!

An evening dedicated to exploring Welsh in the national park.

A journey through Eryri exploring the native place names and their meaning.
The evening will include a pronunciation workshop which will involve having fun with learning various pronunciations.

The evening will be hosted by Guto Roberts.

Guto has worked for conservation organisations over the years and has done similar talks in Neuadd Ogwen and Plas Y Brenin. Being fortunate to have worked at Cwm Idwal, where the journey after mountain place names began.

Guto is an enthusiast of all outdoor activites including surfing, walking, scrambling, researching a bit into local history.

Number of Participants

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