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Monthly EFT - Household

Monthly EFT - Household

Looking for the premier indoor climbing environment in Richmond, VA? Membership to Peak Experiences grants you entry to both Peak Experiences facilities (RVA and Midlothian). Our current business hours are available on our website. Here is everything that is included with this Peak Experiences membership:

Membership Policies

Our household memberships are already offered at a discounted rate, thus discounts granted through associations cannot be applied.

Please enter the membership owner's name, birthday, and email address in order to proceed.

If you have an account with Peak Experiences, you can skip this step by logging in.

Please enter the details for the person purchasing the membership, referred to as the membership owner. This is the person that will be responsible for agreeing to the terms and conditions, billing, and managing the membership. If the member is someone other than the membership owner (for example, a parent purchasing for a child) you will enter the member's details on the next page.