Vertical View - Enter Your Info
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Monthly Autopay | Midday Membership

Membership Description

Monthly Autopay (EFT) | Midday Membership Benefits
• 1 guest pass per month
• 1 "First-Time Visitor Guest Pass" per member per visit
• Free Belay On course.
• Full Membership Perks apply within membership hours: Climbing | Yoga | Fitness
• Membership discounts on special events and classes.
• Limited time to facility | Check in any time Monday - Friday between 9 AM - 2 PM
• Access to all amenities including saunas, weight room, and more!
• 50% off full-price Climbing Day Passes outside of regular Midday Membership hours.
• 20% off a “Gear Package” for a first time member and a single purchase of any number of gear items within 30 days of your first membership start date (*2 Week Trial and membership renewals do not qualify).

One Person | One Payment
• No age requirements
• Initiation fees apply.
• Rentals not included.
• Autopay (EFT) and billed automatically on the day of the month from the original purchase.
• Monthly autopay members are allowed to freeze their membership for a minimum of one month and up to three months per year.
• This is an EFT membership and is managed by a third party billing service.

Freeze and Cancelation Policy
• All frozen memberships will be charged $6/month per individual or household.
• Autopay (EFT) and annual members are allowed to freeze their membership for a minimum of one month and up to three months per year, consecutively or non-consecutively.
• Freeze, unfreeze, or cancel your membership anytime before the date of your next bill date by going to My Account.
• If you are responsible for multiple memberships, please include all members who are to be canceled or frozen. If the primary member cancels or freezes their membership, the secondary member's rate will increase to the primary member rate for the duration of the freeze.
• Youth Programs, Monthly Prepaid, or 2 Week Trial Memberships may not be frozen.
• No refunds for payments that have not been canceled or frozen on time.
• Members are allowed to freeze their membership per billing cycle at monthly intervals. A minimum of one month and up to three months per year.
• Frozen memberships will renew automatically three months following the start of the freeze, or the date specified, whichever comes first.
• Frozen memberships cannot be canceled. The membership must be reactivated for one month before canceling.
• Cancellation of your membership will forfeit discounted membership rates and new memberships will be at current rates.

Please enter the membership owner's name, birthday, and email address in order to proceed.

If you have an account with Vertical View, you can skip this step by logging in.

Please enter the details for the person purchasing the membership, referred to as the membership owner. This is the person that will be responsible for agreeing to the terms and conditions, billing, and managing the membership. If the member is someone other than the membership owner (for example, a parent purchasing for a child) you will enter the member's details on the next page.